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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, just a small update. We have finally reached a 100 members, celebrating that - we are now going to be giving away money every week to random active users that have posted helpful content & been active in general on the forums. A custom logo is in the work and a fully custom theme will be developed with dark mode. The theme will take some time to arrive, so for now you can change the theme at the bottom of the website. If there are bugs with the theme - we're not able to fix it as a third party made it. The winner will win $20.00 USD (BTC, PayPal, Gift Card, OctoVPN Credit, OctoSniff Credit). How to participate in SECHub's Weekly Giveaway - Frequent activity - Posting conversation starter topics/tutorials. - Sharing the forum with friends using your own referral link. One lucky, active winner is selected every Saturday! You can win several times if we believe that you post some outstanding posts & referrer users to join.
    16 points
  2. Welcome to SecHUB. This forum will be about anything from Security to Gaming.
    6 points
  3. Hey, my names Keetuh. My Interest's are Python, C++, and Destiny 2. 19 Years Old. My twitter is NotKeetuh, PSN- Keetuh Feel free to DM me on help with anything.
    4 points
  4. should make a club chat, so club members can communicate with eachother.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. agreed, destiny does indeed cause pain xD
    4 points
  7. Starting from Today. We're giving away the following to members who are active, inviting new members & posting high quality topics BitCoin ($10.00 USD - $250.00 USD) OctoVPN Membership (Normal) OctoVPN Private Server The topics and posts have to be High Quality. Meaning that spamming the forum with small useless content will not be counted and you will be issued an warning for Low Quality posting.
    3 points
  8. General Rules No fighting/arguing with any members, both participators will be warned. Advertising services to people in PM's are against the rules & should only be done via the marketplace. Zero Tolerance Rules Zero tolerance for Low-Quality posts, please don't post just to increase your post count! Zero tolerance for DDoS, Botnet & other skid-like discussions. Zero tolerance for NSFW Content. Zero tolerance for racism or any other idiotic behaviour. Zero tolerance for "doxing" & "threats" or anything similar. Zero tolerance for IP Loggers. Zero tolerance for advertising other forums. Zero tolerance for attempting to find loopholes in the rules, you should know yourself what's okay & what's not. If you are in doubt, feel free to ask. Warning System 2 Warnings - You will be suspended from the forum for 12 hours. 3 Warnings - You will be suspended from the forum for 24 hours. 5 Warnings - You will be suspended from the forum for 48 hours.
    3 points
  9. Here are the best ways to stay safe online: 1- Use a VM whenever possible, this can avoid malicious sites. You can find free ones on youtube which are completely safe. 2- Download using a VM. If you cannot or would rather not use a VM when surfing, you can always install Sandboxie and run downloads through it in a safe environment (https://www.sandboxie.com/) 3- VPNs. VPNs are always great to use to protect your own network from ddos attacks and encrypt your traffic. I'd highly advise Octovpn: https://partner.octovpn.com/565 Feel free to suggest and add other ways or ask any questions (Usually responds every 1-3 days)
    2 points
  10. Requirements : You need to have Ron unlocked and available to call to request a Job from him, that is pretty much it. Steps : 1. Go into a public session, I have tested it in an Invite Only and could not get it to work. 2. Got to pause menu -> Online -> Options -> Put Join Next Mode From Spectator Box to Don't Join -> Matchmaking to Closed -> Spawn Location to Last Location -> Remain Host after next job host screen to ON 3. Go to the interaction menu, and press on Hide Options and make sure Jobs, Events and Other are set to HIDE 4. Walk up to the Arena Ticket Booth, which is located around the actual Arena in multiple areas. 5. Call Ron and request a job from him, and wait 5- 20 seconds for his job to appear 6. Walk up to the Ticket Booth and pull up the phone and accept Ron's job, once it loads up, you want to quit the job and spam right on the D-Pad to go into the Ticket Booth, once it gives the option to pay $10, spam X on PS4 or A on XBOX 7. Now it will give you an error on the top left and you will be in 100% God Mode, but do not enter any apartments etc or it will be removed, and do not start any death-matches. This glitch is just to have fun, not to be a scum and go into God Mode and killing the whole session for a high K/D, if this glitch worked for you, react and comment so others can try it.
    2 points
  11. This is LEGIT the most broken glitch for PS4 / Xbox at the moment, you can make $2,000,000 every few minutes with this very simple glitch, but do not do it more than like 25 - 30 times a day or RockStar might crack down on your account. Requirements : Any Properties in 1 - 6 slot, the most expensive Maze CEO Building - You can use any building, but if you own this building, you are guaranteed $2,000.000 every time. Have about $60,000 handy because you will need to purchase two properties that are EXTREMELY cheap. Trading in $60,000 for $2,000,000 is a steal! STEPS : 1. Make sure you own the Maze CEO Office Building ( tallest building in the game ). 2. Go on the GTA phone and locate Dynasty8 and find the property " Unit 124 Popular Street " DO NOT BUY IT just press the button that locates it on the map and go to the property. 3. Once you are at the property, walk up to the sign and MAKE SURE you buy the property onto the 6th slot, make sure it will be on the 6 / whatever many you have, if it is not, the glitch will not work! 4. Now change your spawn location to LAST LOCATION and switch your outfit to force the game to save it. 5. Go to creator -> Online -> Invite Only Session 6. Once you load up, open your GTA Phone and go to Dynesty8 and make the filter say Lowest to Highest properties and locate he cheapest property 7. Once you find the cheapest one which is $26,000 or so, press to purchase it and replace it with the 6th slot 8. If you did everything correctly, you will see that your 6th slot which costed less than 100K is worth $2,000,000 replace it and you will get that money worth 9. Rinse and Repeat - But not more than 30 times in one day, your account may be flagged if you do ! IF THIS GLITCH WORKED FOR YOU PLEASE COMMENT AND REACT TO THE POST FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HESITANT TO TRY IT!
    2 points
  12. Information prior to doing the glitch : You need the free Elegy RH8, you need the Arena and the Arena Workshop and the Benny's mechanic, and you need to have your Elegy you want to glitch on the Workshop level. You also need to have the RC Bandito, it does not need to be upgraded, it just needs to be in the workshop and owned. Your spawn location also needs to be at one of your owned apartments, change your outfit to force the game to save that location. STEP 1 : Go to your RC Bandito and press right D Pad and press the XB / PS button and launch the YouTube / Netflix / Spotify Application and then press the XB or PS button and Quit out of the YouTube / Netflix / Spotify Application and go back to the GTA Game. STEP 2 : You will be spawned into Story Mode and the moment you spawn in, spam the pause button and make sure your Targeting mode is set to Free Aim, then start up an invite only session. STEP 3 : Since you are in your apartment, just teleport to a close job near your Arena - To teleport to a job near the Arena, press the pause button and extend the map and start the job up, then go to your friends list and press to join up on someone who is on a different targeting mode. You need to accept the first alert and deny the second alert. Now you will need to back to your Arena Workshop level. STEP 4 : Go to your Elegy RH8 and go inside and press right on the D pad and if you did everything right, you will stay in the same place if the glitch is done correctly. STEP 5 : At this point you need to go to the Sell option and sell it for $0 and you will get a black screen, then go to join anyone on your friends list in a different targeting mode. Accept the first alert and deny the second alert. STEP 6 : If you did everything right, you will spawn back into your Arena and be in the car and then press right on the D pad and you will get a glitched animation and wait for the car to drive in the workshop. STEP 7 : Click the first option to update the Benny's Elegy Retro Custom and press it once, do not fully accept it, just go to the alert that says " Are you sure you want to upgrade the Elegy Retro Custom? " and you just want to back-out and press " Exit the Workshop ". STEP 8 : You will get a black screen and then you will see once it loads up that you were credited the amount the Retro Custom is worth. Be warned, this will count towards your Daily Sell Limit, so do not sell too many per day, i would recommend one per hour, but about 6 - 8 a day. This glitch took me roughly 4 minutes to do, so hypothetically you can make about $9,000,000 per hour. If this glitch worked for you, don't forget to reply here and on the poll and let everyone else know who is hesitant to try it, and if you have any issues with it do not be scared to @ me and ask for help.
    2 points
  13. Make a rules section on the site, somewhere in the forums feeds, so people know what to not do, so they dont get striked or banned.
    2 points
  14. If you want to be staff, the best way to be promoted is by being active on the forums with high quality content. You will be noticed! Also report posts that are breaking our rules will surely help you a lot on the road to a promotion.
    2 points
  15. make an account specifically for the community, have a personal account for yourself, not really that hard
    2 points
  16. Good lucky to everyone:) Like if your active
    2 points
  17. Welp, I guess I'm getting nightmares.. thanks
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. @OctolusBruh how long does it take tho? But goodluck to you man
    2 points
  20. $20 every week making Octo's pockets sad ?
    2 points
  21. My friends that are all in a party playing gta says it works. Just to let you know
    2 points
  22. @krypto i would personally get octovpn since its cheap and reliable and has very good ddos protection, it has more than 40 servers to choose from, so you don't have to struggle with one server and have latency issues, just matters how far you are from the server and which type of server you connect to
    2 points
  23. Anybody knows what's the best way to secure Python source codes? I have personally been converting the source file into a compiled byte code but that wasn't enough as i could decompile it within 2 minutes and i found it very frustrating as i couldn't publish any of my python apps without depending solely on the backend. Any suggestions?
    1 point
  24. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay & become active
    1 point
  25. You guys are talking about rare, I believe Barcode is pretty rare
    1 point
  26. Weird guy tbh, saw him at a store and was like, yea how much does this cost, man smacked his chest 5 times and said "Beans" and I said "What?" and he ran off flapping his arms.
    1 point
  27. Add a feature to the kick method that allows you to continuously kick a user through said gamertag no matter what party they join. Obviously this person would need to have you added for the option to be available each and every party and there could be a time limit to how long the auto kicker lasts so not too many requests are sent to the Microsoft servers causing a blacklist.
    1 point
  28. I have a few issues with this tbh. Sandboxie is super easy to detect, most commercial malware easily detects it's running in this and many have even found ways to beat it. If we take a stroll over here https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-18748 sandboxie basically said because you can run a command and completely escape their controls over the sandbox, it was within the realm of expected use. If you wanna have some fun, seriously just scan registry permissions within a sandboxie setup, and watch for when you actually make changes to the host without being noticed. /sigh/ Even if you containerize, which is all sandboxie functionally does (see also comodo's ransomware protection), absolutely everything and run it in a vm, then you're victim to oversimplifying. As such, you'll grow accustom to providing real information over a known bad environment ruining the entire purpose. VPNs can mitm your traffic just as much as "encrypt" them. As well nearly every vpn provider thats ever said they don't keep user logs has been hacked and proved lying (see, hidemyass). It's much more advisable to use ssl everywhere within your container within your vm if you're trying to encrypt. Personally I'd advise AGAINST octovpn because sites like https://wtfismyip.com/ can easily still grab internal ip and often ipv6 of users, websites like ebay can detect real ip based on wasm and local fingerprinting. Another objectively safety idea is limiting scripts running to those you know or trust which there are many extensions for every browser for this but very few browsers natively give you that control to block. Just for a malware c2, at minimum, I'd run with two vm, one being host only networking, the other having all traffic through tor. The host only network on, would be my c2 with a socks proxy to a port on the other. The other, would then have network traffic through tor and run an ssh proxy for a socks tunnel to MY OWN cloud instance, docker instance, or ovh. Ps, fuck ovh. There I said it. Anyway, this gives me complete control of my own, scalable infrastructure, if someone owns my c2 service they won't likely hit anything in my real network, if they gain root to my vm and then vm escape, well that's a risk I'm willing to take with a dumpster laptop. That seems a bit dramatic so lets try another scenario, you're just a privacy focused gamer who thinks "omg someone gonna does the bootingz of me" and therefor you get convinced to use a vpn or ovh (or any cloud services for proxy or vpn). Any vpn that someone else controls automatically has you agree to their certificate and their certificate authority, meaning once it's saved on your computer you /won't/ be hassled by most any certificate errors because you already agreed to trust those. Grounds for mitm attacks, any vpn ever. Most of these free vpns you can hop on and use bettercap still to do a mitm attack. most cheap ones don't actually encapsulate all your traffic and ipsec or not only encrypts between you and them, not from them outbound. My suggestion for handling these is you go hitup riseup's vpn service. Donate while you're at it. It's one of the few that doesn't have data leaks (re, wtfismyip.com link I posted earlier doesn't leave data behind, other tools like ebay's fingerprinting can't determine local ips). Once you understand how all this works, you'll see just grabbing a sandbox or just grabbing a vpn isn't inherently safe or in many cases even safer way to browse the internets or play games. Sometimes all you've done is cause more problems for yourself. But keep learning, and don't get settled on one thing like that.
    1 point
  29. This is an really good website
    1 point
  30. An app would be cool, however starting small and investing so much money and time into an app would be too much right now. Maybe in the future there will be plans - but even one of the biggest forums do not have a Mobile App.
    1 point
  31. I like that idea, maybe there could be
    1 point
  32. Be able to link other social media accounts such as Snapchat and instagram to your profile.
    1 point
  33. Hi I'm Barcode, you may know me, maybe not, i may know you, maybe not, i post some things, you might post somethings, you might not, i just posted a money glitch on GTA for PS4 / Xbox 1, you might have seen it, you might have not. But i will definitely see you around ?.
    1 point
  34. fuc... yep you got it correct
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Name - Uriah Age - 17 Interests - Hockey, gaming Location - United States How I found - Via the internet (YouTube)
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. A section for popular coding languages, source codes etc..
    1 point
  39. Unless you're giving personal info, not really it's a good way to grow your platform tbh
    1 point
  40. Welcome! I hope you have a good time here
    1 point
  41. Definitely gonna share with my GTA friends ?
    1 point
  42. Welcome! Also Destiny 2 is a great game but causes p a i n...
    1 point
  43. I have a really powerful gaming computer, but i simply do not enjoy playing on my PC compared to my console. I will def get the PS5, but also for some research purposes ?
    1 point
  44. Depending on the price the XBOX Series X
    1 point
  45. I use 3 VPN providers actually. When I’m sailing the sea, I use Private Internet Access mainly due to its port forwarding features when torrenting. When I’m gaming, I use Path private server from OctoVPN. When I’m accessing a website or a service that accepts only 1 IP address due to security reasons, then I use an Outline Server that I set up with the provider DediPath. Anyways, that’s what I use ?
    1 point
  46. Thanks for your suggestion, this could be something we could add for a specific group that would be unlocked after certain activity.
    1 point
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